Home and Industrial Automation
Access Control System
Smart Parking System

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Bhadre is a robust Identity System with high security used for access control, parking systems and home/industrial automation. It comes with its freely downloadable App named Bhadre. This supports a variety of hardwares such as Access Controller, Identity Scanner, Fingerprint reader, and several intelligent sensors. Every user of this system is assigned a unique identity. The user has the option to make their own identity card or use any of their identity cards such as Drivers License or their employer identity card. Optionally, a fingerprint and a profile picture can also be associated with their identity. Accessing the premise/facility/service anywhere where Bhadre system is installed can be either by using their smart phone or by using their identity card. The identity card is universally accepted where Bhadre system is installed, eliminating the need for separate identity card for each premise or facility. The permission must be given by the management of each premise or facility. This, thus, becomes a very convenient system for the users. Examples of places where Bhadre system can make the life of people easier are Public transportations such as buses and trains, Public venues, public events, offices and residential houses, and public as well as private parking lots. Go through our Products and Solutions and/or Contact Us for help with installing Bhadre system to meet your needs and to make your premise or service convenient to all your customers.
Bhadre provides general purpose access controllers that can be used for controlling access to anything such as smart door locks, access to buildings and officess or any restricted area.
With our access controller, you can convert your existing door lock to an smart lock with smartphone access, fingerprint scanning, ID card scanning, and Google Home/Alexa. You keep the current mechanical lock with mechanical keys while getting these extra features.
Use a single Universal ID card wherver you go. Drivers license or Employer ID can be used as Universal ID card by pasting a unique NFC tag on it.
These access controllers are DIY products and the customers can install them by themselves.
For large premises, we can provide full service of installation, configuration as well as maintenance.
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Bhadre has one of the sophisticated and convenient DIY parking systems. This can be installed in private parking as well as public parking. This is also ideal for apartment complexes and office buildings for the residents and staff. Users use their smart phone to park, and no tickets or cards needed.
This is a system that clients can install by themselves by purchasing the access controller from Bhadre. Bhadre provides extensive documentation on installation and configuration.
We provide full service of installation, configuration as well as maintenance.
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Bhadre provides convenient and easy-to-install and easy-to-operate access control systems for public places such as Cinema Halls, public event halls, schools, GYMS.
We also provide access control system for transportation such as busesc and trains. With this system installed, public can access these using their smart phone, or their universal ID card. Entry fees (if any) are charged to their credit card.
We provide full service of installation, configuration as well as maintenance.
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Bhadre provides a cloud based automation products and system that can be used for controlling anything from remote using a smart phone, or Google Home or Alexa. Bhadre platform provides advanced features to configure automatic controls such as timer based or sensor based. Multi-way switches, central switch to turn ON/OFF a large number of switches without any additional wiring, turning on lights or equipments when door is opened are some of those convenient features of Bhadre system.
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This system can be installed by the customers themselves or with the help of a trades person. For DIY, buy the units and follow the steps given in our Documentation page. We will provide online support for installation, configuration and maintenance.
Usage is free for an average household where the use per month is not very high. However, when used in businesses, offices or any similar situations with large number of users per device and the usage per month is very high, there can be a subscription fee. Our system will notify the customer when such heavy use is detected. Subscription fee will depend on the number of use per device per month and the patern of use. If you need a more accurate estimate, Contact Us
For those who are interested, we offer full installation, configuration, commissioning and monitoring in selected cities. Contact Us for details on pricing for this package.